perm filename SILV.13[AM,DBL] blob sn#700279 filedate 1983-02-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	An aside, on Priestly rites:  I've just read over the revised Silverdawn
C00011 ENDMK
An aside, on Priestly rites:  I've just read over the revised Silverdawn
rules, and finally understand how Priests are supposed to function!  I
should have been trying out new rites now and then, just as the mages
try out new spells.  Instead of trying to figure out what they might have
been, I've assumed that Pastor and Eadweard each learned one nonstandard
healing ritual, as described below under "New Spells&Rites", and have
already (sometime in the past) thrown it on the partymembers.

New Spells & Rites

Pastor: Rite of Soronal: Lucky Wound
This ritual blesses the recipient in such a way that the next serious
wound he'd suffer is a minor one (or the next fatal one is merely serious).
Minor wounds are not affected.  After the spell benefits are used once,
its effects disappear.  It takes an hour to cast this on a person, and
the caster can only cast it PriestSkill/10 times a week (about once every
two days, in the case of Pastor).

Pastor: Rite of Soronal: Lucky Shot
This ritual blesses the recipient; once, in future combat, he may utter
the phrase "Soronal guide this shot", just before he swings a blow or
casts a spell, and it will have increased chances of hitting, increased
damage, etc.  It takes a week (of parttime effort) to perform this
ritual, but it may be performed on a group (party-sized) all at once.

Pastor: Rite of Soronal: Lucky Coin Flip
When faced with a choice, the priest can ake his holy symbol (a coin)
and flip it in the air, asking for Soronal to affect the toss.  He can
never be sure whether or not Soronal heard, or could/did help, of course...
[This is similar to what Pastor did to thwart Vironay's dilemma involving
the Spear of Tysand]

Eadweard: Rite of Vaindow: Touch of Fire
The priest prepares for this rite by an hour-long ritual in front of a
large open-air fire, at which some creature gives up its life (usually
this is part of cooking dinner; indeed, Vaindow is displeased if the
life-taking is UNnecessary).  Once performed, the conclusion of the
rite is "triggered" by the priest uttering a phrase in praise of
Vaindow, the power of Fire, and the sanctity of Life.  Fire corruscates
along the priest's body and weapons, not harming him or his possessions.
Anyone he strikes while flaming is likely to burst into flames.  These
flames will hurt, and do damage, but as their victims lose consciousness
the flames will stop; no victim will ever die as a result of these flames.
In fact, the priest will feel that their lives are now sacred, and will
protect such helpless victims from his own party if need be, to keep them

Eadweard: Rite of Vaindow: Shadow Life
This is a powerful ritual, and can be cast only upon those who worship
Vaindow, or those who take an oath to prefer fire above all other elements,
and never to needlessly kill any sentient beings.  Breaking the oath negates
the effectsof the ritual.  The recipient gains a 2nd life, and at the moment
of his death a shadow is seen to rise from his body; he then is reanimated,
at full strength and health and energy.  Note that this is not resurrection
-- it can't be cast post facto on anyone; it only works if it was cast in
advance.  It takes a week of ritualizing for a Skill 60-80 priest, two
days for 80-100, one day for 100-120, and one hour for 120+.  It cannot
be cast by Priests under skill 60%.  

Eadweard: Rite of Vaindow: Detect Threat to Life
This rite enables the priest to detect the next direct threat to his/her
life; this must be a sentient hostile thought (e.g., by an ambusher),
a trap that was laid down with hostile intent, etc.  Notice that threats
that are not life-taking (e.g., capture, confusion attacks, paralysis)
will not be detected.  Once one is detected, the power fades.  The rite
takes an hour at dawn and an hour at dusk to prepare, and is activated
whenever the caster chooses, by uttering a five-minute prayer to Vaindow
for warning and preservation of life.

Alhambra: Rite of Hoctor: Arm Fighters
The fighter/priest sacrifices a dagger, rope, and weapon in a day-long
ritual.  When needed, he mentally calls on Hoctor, who will cause any
one of those objects to materialize in his hands (unbinding his hands
at the same time, in case he was tied up).  This can be cast on others,
but not if they have any large (over 11%) Priest or Mage ability --
unless the Priest ability is a priest of Hoctor, of course.

Alhambra: Rite of Hoctor: Bless Weapons
The fighter/priest sharpens his weapons in a long ritual (takes an hour)
to Hoctor.  During a fight, or just before one, he can call on Hoctor to
make those weapons supernaturally effective, for a short duration.  He
must sacrifice one such weapon to Hoctor in the ensuing month, else that
one will vanish.

Also, Soronal may have sent Pastor a minion during his attempting some
of these rites.  Did he?  Which of these rites succeeded/failed?
Are these the proper sort of rite/ritual, or am I misplaying what
you intended that mechanism to be?  I'm assuming that it's similar
in power and effects to magic, but must be closely aligned to the
god's realms, or to his church's interests, or both.  
I think you should send a copy of the new rules to all players who have a cleric
character -- it certainly revised MY thinking of his worth and
possibilities!  Thanks again,